PowerXL™ Stuffed Wafflizer Waffle Makers Recall
Do you own this product?
PowerXL™ Stuffed Wafflizer Waffle Makers
Models ESWM02 (5”) and ESWM03 (7”)
Dates sold: 24 March 2022 to 1 September 2022
Why the product is recalled: Hot pieces of waffle or stuffing may be expelled from the maker during use or upon opening the lid. This defect has occurred and caused injuries in other countries.
There is a risk of burns if hot pieces of waffle or stuffing contact the consumer’s skin.
Consumers should stop using the product immediately and check the model number of the product. If the product is affected, consumers should contact Global Shop Direct on customerservice@globalshopdirect.com.au or 1300 137 598 to receive a latch adaptor repair kit.
Ask our staff to find out more about the recall.
1300 137 598
Purchased from: Global Shop Direct, Australia Post retail outlets, TV Direct stores, TV2U, The Trading Post Newsagency.
PRA 2023/19828
See productsafety.gov.au for Australian product recall information.